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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-05-16
核心提示:& nbsp; Fuzhou major smokes dung, septic tank cleaning, 1. With hook open septic tank cover, again with a long bamboo po
& nbsp; Fuzhou major smokes dung, septic tank cleaning, 1. With hook open septic tank cover, again with a long bamboo pole (8m) stir scattered debris agglomerate layer in the septic tank. 2 to suck up to the work site, set good suck dung hose (5m, 3) in the septic tank. Suck de la Villette and 3 start switch, epispastic excrement and urine in the septic tank until the dung agglomeration content ceiling until the end to prevent clothes dirty work site and pedestrian traffic. 4 cover the septic tank manhole cover, rinse with water and all the tools work site. 5 clear every year, a pool to keep up 90%, two level 75% level three surface cleaning pool, pool all to keep up hard. 6 after cleaning, no deposit visual wells...
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