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市政管道清洗 cctv

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2015-05-21
核心提示:, pipeline cleaning 20MPa, 100 MPa and above the high pressure water jet cleaning unit 5 sets, to meet a variety of sewe
, pipeline cleaning 20MPa, 100 MPa and above the high pressure water jet cleaning unit 5 sets, to meet a variety of sewer, pipeline cleaning requirements. Residents, schools, hospitals, hotels, factories, development zones underground pipeline

pipe dredging machinery dredge: large-scale dredging machine steel piece, windlass, high pressure water jet cleaning washing and other for a flood units, factories, office buildings, schools and other various indoor and outdoor professional high pressure pipeline cleaning area

< br / > unit Hotel septic tank clean-up of professional smokes dung, pumping water, mud pumping, pumping septic tanks, sewage wells pumping, Qingtao septic tanks, Qingtao oil separation tank, cleaning sewage wells, cleaning tank, cleaning of septic tanks high

< br / > pressure cleaning sewage conduit, municipal pipeline cleaning, cleaning sewers, clearing drains, pipeline dredge, sewer dredge. A sanitation team, specializing in sewage wells, septic tank, oil pool, basement row

< br / >, community, hotels, guest houses, buildings, schools, units long-term contract cooperation 1: high pressure water jet cleaning all kinds of difficult large sewer. (equipped with high-pressure washing cars and the size of pipeline pumping truck.

< br / > 3, pipeline cleaning 20MPa, 100 MPa and above the high pressure water jet cleaning unit 5 sets, cleaning for plant and animal oils and fats, feces and other sticky materials, sludge and garbage into the cause of pipe blockage.  

< br / > 4, confined space cleaning sewage pool, sludge, waste water, fee pool, rain water tank, circulating water system sedimentation tank, oxidation pond Deng confined space clean

市政管道清洗,高压清洗    市政管道清洗 cctv    化粪池,隔油池    市政管道清洗 cctv    化粪池,隔油池    

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