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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-08-16
核心提示:这是一辆,外形不算怪异的轿车。This vehicle to be introduced is of regular shape and design.他有六个突出的优势。It has s

This vehicle to be introduced is of regular shape and design.



It has six outstanding features.


第一,它是 纯清洁能源,电动轿车

1. It is an electric vehicle powered purely by clean energy.



Up till now, electric vehicles consume energy at the cost of indirectly releasing pollution. The product that we invent, however, is entirely clean. The technology that differentiates our invention with what Tesla company is that 50% of the electric energy Tesla consumes comes from burning coals. For every 100 km of driving in China, 8.5 kg coals will have to burn to supply energy. Therefore, what Tesla uses is coal as an alternative to gasoline. For our product, we use neither of the energy source, the technology we apply to our electric cars is solar photovoltaic.



2. The vehicle is guaranteed safe with no possibility for danger of fire. It has specially structured component, please refer to the video for detailed explanation.



3. The vehicle is entirely powered by electricity with only batteries as the source. The structure is simple with reduced number of components. It is highly reliable and with lost cost of manufacturing.




4. The vehicle has the lowest amount of times and need of charging. In a medium sized city with maximum distance of driving of 40 km per day, the monthly distance will not exceed 1500km. With our standard of consumption, the car will only need to be charged once and with optimal conditions, it does not need to be charged again within a year. This means no consumption on contaminating electricity. Theoretical calculations suggest that only 800 chargers are needed for every 10,000 vehicles which significantly reduces the need of chargers.



5. The vehicle is the first concept electric vehicle with “zero operational cost”. The cost is negligible-- with less than 1500 km of driving every month, the cost will equal zero with daily average of 40 km of driving. This is powered solely by solar energy. To add on that, the life span of the battery will double.


第六,他是适合长途旅行的纯电动轿车。他可以利用自身携带的辅助太阳能发电设备,实现野外自助太阳能充电,完全不用依赖加油站和充电桩。我们计划在中国组织“自助开车 旅游性去拉萨1000公里长途拉力赛”。(每天开车5个小时,中间休息2次,合计休息5小时的方式)每天开车500公里。电池续航能力360公里。充电两次。

6. The vehicle is suitable for long-distance travel. It can charge automatically with the solar electric generator that it carries without need for gas station or charging station. We plan to organize “1000km long distance self guided drive trip to Lhasa contest” with driving of 500km per day(a total of 5 hours of driving per day with two breaks). The battery can sustain 360 km of driving and is charged twice.


Last but not least, this vehicle possesses the advantages that all electric cars-- it accelerates efficiently and is almost noise free.




Most technology involved in the vehicle introduced above has been . We need funds to initialize the project and hope to gain support by crowd-funding.


Would you like to help us with fundraising sooner so that we could manufacture a car like this?





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